Friday, 26 March 2010

Facts about a NERD

If your're a nerd:

  • You almost always carry atleast 1 pen/pencil are any note-taking medium with you.

  • You enjoy studying

  • If you screwed up in a test it means you lost 2-5 points from the overall total of points

  • You agree to eveything your instructor says

  • You're never absent

  • You study for a test before time; 1 week ahead?

  • You are ready to sacrifice your weekends to study for a test

  • You know where everything in the library is

  • You could be a book worm

  • You participated in your school's/uni's activities for the sake of extra recognition not for actually enjoying them

  • You're almost alwas stressed out

  • You wake up early in the morning to revise instead of enjoying last minutes of comfort

  • Your family/friends begin to scratch you out of their lives/activities during the final nd midterm exams

  • You're always happt to get a good grade

...So how nerdy are u :P??