Friday, 18 May 2012


Commitment is one of the many things that I have to worry about. During the past years, I lost a lot of trust in many things, including my education, as a result I lost my commitment to those things. I no longer feel happy about staying up all night working, and I don't feel satisfied about my results. How can someone be committed to something for a very long time? I have no idea, was my hard work just part of a phase that i lived? would i ever be the same again?

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Celebrating Success

Ever since I started uni, I've been challenged. I remember every challenge and every criticism  i got. I also remember every time i proved everyone wrong. Those moments were my most celebrated moments. I clearly remember when Dr. R said that if you're a good student in theory doesn't mean ur good in design. I remember when i proved her wrong and everyone else with her. I remember being criticized for my approach to concepts and also proving them wrong by using the same approach! 

All of those memories now seem very precious, i miss all the energy i had. I miss being challenged, I miss being criticized, YET when i was criticized last week, i began crying; why? because i failed myself, but its time to stop crying and start working. I shall prove them wrong and i WILL do it InshAllah of course, 

and when that happens it will be the time i celebrate my success =)

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Would I ever have it all?

I sometimes look at what other people have and wish i had it too. a life with their significant other, or a huge big degree that is hanging on their walls or perhaps the greatest of all friends... Sometimes i wish i had it all, but nothing comes without a price in life and this is how it should be. If we don't work hard for it then we'll get nothing. I sometimes wonder what would i get out of life? perhaps a beautiful set of friends would be my thing, for now i know i have a very small set that is worth the world to me even if it was limited to two =).

Monday, 7 May 2012

Thank You

When you have someone who's 10 times stronger than you are supporting you, everything turns out to be okay at the end =)

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Saturday, 28 April 2012

its just easier to cry

sometimes its just easier not to do anything and start crying. this is exactly why I'm doing right now.
Its the mid of the semester and all i can do is shed tears over my graduation project. Nothing is getting done although I'm trying to stick to my schedule.

Sometimes its just easier to cry

Friday, 13 April 2012

A glint of hope

I was trying to get some work done while watching Arab Got Talent, and suddenly hear this amazing voice coming from a not very fortunate guy. His voice was simply beautiful!

I realized how people in life go through obstacles and never give up. They know they might fail yet they know they have to try...

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Why Do I have to Hide?

Because i'm afraid of being judged... aren't we all?

I tend to hide my blog from those closest to me. I don't show them what I write and when i started blogging  i stopped writing what i feel and what does it feel like to be in my shoes. I simply blocked my perspective and showed you all what it looks like to be you or just any other person.

I'm a quiet person in nature and I don't talk much. I tend to dream a lot and just wrap myself in my bubble. I have this ability to block people even if they talk to me very closely. Sometimes i tell M that i'm too romantic to be me, but maybe it is me? why would I stop myself of dreaming about happy endings? why would i stop dreaming of a happy life?

because i'm afraid of being judged...

I don't tell people that i write. Currently, only 1 person has access to my writings, and I can tell you that those writings are the most true thing about me.

By blogging, I failed myself and i'm ashamed of the person I pretend to be...

Friday, 24 February 2012

It's a Friday

first friday of this semester <3 I hope it turns out great!

i miss blogging <3 i miss everything about it.

Friday, 3 February 2012

My First job offer

i got my first job offer yesterday <3

to be recognized for my hard work is the most beautiful thing in the world!

the journey was worth every painful moment!

elhamdellah <3

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Dear Someone: I respect you

To me, life works in a weird way. Its very twisted and a lot of things get unrevealed along its path. You don't know when are you going to meet someone, and when you do, you don't know when are they going to leave!

A lot of people left me this year. Sadly those where the people that changed me. Everyone one of them changed something in me and to be honest they changed me to perfect me not to destroy me. For once I learned that people do not have to hurt you to change you. They can be as sweet as anything in life, walk beside you, hold your hand and help you cross your obstacles without stabbing you at the back. However, at some point, when they fulfill their job, they LEAVE, and that is the painful part

they just left, some without even saying good bye....