The Drama Queen is
I really feel bad about tons of things that are going on at the same time in my life right now; instead of actually achieving what i called my "new year's" resolution, i've been the most negative, selfish and annoying person i know on earth!
YES people am beginning to hate myself! BOOHOO!!
i did come some of my imperfections to be fair though! yes i was a good girl a wore a back brace for 2 months! and now my back is straight as any back of yours and this goes to the idiots who mocked me!
i tried as much as i can to contain myself at certain occasions, but words just FLY out of my mouth!
a7s ena ana 9a7bat akbar 7alj fel 3AALAAAM; which btw could be true! *i might be in the 2011 or 2012 Guinness book ;)*
when i decided to blog my heart out i decided that i would be honest and true to myself; no more makeup! and the more honest and the more natural i am, the more relieved i am of all the stress. i think a ten minutes blogging time would be useful for me. not daily of course but from time to time!
well i dnt think this well happen; but anyways i'l keep updating....
SOOOOO what is it that i wanted to talk about ?
ooh yess am nt supposed to blog that i guess; its just too personal and you guys are total strangers to me :/
and am too tired anyways GD NIGHT!
P.S: with reference to my previous post, i did start a flickr acc and am posting pictures from time to time ;) YES i started photography BABY!