Saturday, 26 November 2011

just a feeling

I always wanted to be somewhere in life; at a point where i can see all of my achievements and obstacles that've endured. few days ago, generous two offers were given to me, both of them were as good as anything and i'm really happy about them <3

Its really nice to see that people care about you and are welling to help you

enshallah 5air <33 i hope everything works n.n

Friday, 18 November 2011

I 'm in tears

i've been in tears ever since yesterday! its really sad to see them.. I wish if i can do something to stop it all; but thats how life goes on. I cant keep them there; I dnt have the power to nor can i tell them to stay * that will be to childish*

as i worked there with them i developed this special bond with them. they were forced on me just like a family. I loved them.

I smiled to them every morning, i laughed with them during the day. I had awkward moments with them. they gave me a lot and i gave nothing bad; that's the most terrible thing that i've done

I dnt know wt's got on to me ever since i heard the news. I felt that its unfair to let them go. I felt that the whole thing was supposed silly! i felt that its just a joke

how can this happen to them?

I wish if i can make it up to them

I love you ; you were my mentors, my friends, and my family <3

Friday, 16 September 2011

I can point names and name fingers!

The Drama Queen is BACK

I really feel bad about tons of things that are going on at the same time in my life right now; instead of actually achieving what i called my "new year's" resolution, i've been the most negative, selfish and annoying person i know on earth! 

YES people am beginning to hate myself! BOOHOO!!

i did come some of my imperfections to be fair though! yes i was a good girl a wore a back brace for 2 months! and now my back is straight as any back of yours and this goes to the idiots who mocked me!

i tried as much as i can to contain myself at certain occasions, but words just FLY out of my mouth!

a7s ena ana 9a7bat akbar 7alj fel 3AALAAAM; which btw could be true! *i might be in the 2011 or 2012 Guinness book ;)*

when i decided to blog my heart out i decided that i would be honest and true to myself; no more makeup! and the more honest and the more natural i am, the more relieved i am of all the stress. i think a ten minutes blogging time would be useful for me. not daily of course but from time to time!

well i dnt think this well happen; but anyways i'l keep updating....

SOOOOO what is it that i wanted to talk about ? 

ooh yess am nt supposed to blog that i guess; its just too personal and you guys are total strangers to me :/

and am too tired anyways GD NIGHT!

P.S: with reference to my previous post, i did start a flickr acc and am posting pictures from time to time ;) YES i started photography BABY!

Monday, 22 August 2011

New Aim

So i decided to continue writing in my blog and stick to this commitment; i also decided to start photography again. I guess having my old hobby back might help me take away a lot of the stress i've been carrying on my shoulders for a very LONG time now..

I want to change a lot of things in me and i really want this to happen before it's too late to do so; this year might be my last year in my university and i dnt want to leave it with a bad memory; jus as i left school... I want to start being positive just as I was during my internship. everything was beautiful and everything was easy <3 i was capable of bearing everyone including those who rejected me at first... but am sure i left with a good impression of me imprinted in the memory of those people i left <3

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

I can't forget, nor forgive

el9ra7a i started this blog without knowing my style of writing. madre a7s i dnt ane makamalt wya any of my blogs l2ne mb gadra a3rf wht's my style?

am i dramatic wla funny? am i serious wla agdar aswe el omoor maz7 wa'67ak wya kl7ad? i know that am really confused about many things in life o i always go with the flow. i decided this time my post would be about opening my heart to anyone who's ready to read about my very dramatic life

so the first thing i'll confess is: I CANT FORGET NOR FORGIVE

you know kaif yom tkonon m3a9ben 3a ensan bs matthkron laish m3a9been 3alaih? wla yom tkonon 3ade wya kl7ad bs tthkron mwa8f 5aysa 9arat wyahm o che el mfro'6 t78don 3laihm bs 3ade 3ndkm el shay? wla you can forget about everything and forgive anyone < hatha etha knto wayed 6ybeen :P *mthl layla XDD?? you know hay el ensana el s5efa ele fel msalsal el s5eef? ok 5ala9 chab we're way out of my subject*

anywaaaaaay.... i cant do any of them :/ bs che ana che wayed mwa8f 9artle o mb gadra ansa o mb nasytha LO SHO.. l2na el mwa8f ele 9art wayed enjra7t feha mn wayed nas o hal nas malhm 3thr yjrone l2na ana knt a3aml WAYED OKAY o yom y'3l6on knt askt wa3thrhm -.- bs esm7ole right now ana mnfjra mn kl7ad o mali 5lg 7ag ay ensan :)

i prefer dealing with animals a9lan madre laish at3aml wya humans...

o well anyways 6ala3t ele fe 5a6re o 5ala9t :D

sh7alkm b3ad?